Qualification:Director of research
Telefono+39 0783 229139
Curriculum vitae:

Dr. Paolo Magni is director of research at the Institute of Anthropic Impact and Sustainability in the Marine Environment of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR-IAS, Oristano). He obtained a Ph.D. in Marine Science from the United Graduate School of Ehime University (Japan, 1998) and a graduate degree (Laurea) in Biological Sciences from Genoa University (Italy, 1991). Dr. Magni holds a full professorship habilitation in ecology, is Chair of the Benthos Ecology Working Group of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES-BEWG), president of the scientific committee of the Foundation International Marine Centre (IMC), member of the steering committee for the degree in biology of Cagliari University, and Associate Editor for Frontiers in Marine Science (specialty section Marine Ecosystem Ecology).

Dr. Magni has been principal investigator, member of the steering committee, Workpackage or task leader of several EU funded projects (e.g., COMMON SENSE, VECTORS, EMBOS, SMAP III-IMAC, BIOCOMBE, MARBENA, MAMA, ARENA), Lead Author in the Regional Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for the Asia-Pacific of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem (IPBES) and member of the working group on Biodiversity and Coastal Ecosystems of the National Strategy for the Adaptation to Climate Change of the Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Protection of Italy (MATTM). He has been a visiting scientist in several academic Institutions and Universities abroad, such as the Nederland Institute of Ecology (Yerseke, Nederland), Klaipeda University (Lithuania), Kagawa and Hokkaido University (Japan) and Xiamen University (China) where he maintains active scientific collaborations.

His main research activities include:

  • Benthic ecology, with special reference to the effect of natural factors and anthropogenic pressures on benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in coastal marine and lagoon systems.
  • Food webs studies (δ13C and δ15N analysis) and biogeochemical processes (e.g. oxygen and nutrient fluxes).
  • Application of indicators for assessing the ecological and environmental status of marine and transitional waters in application to the European Directives (WFD; 2006/60/EC and MSFD; 2008/56).
  • Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.

Dr Magni is author of >100 international publications (70 WoS/Scopus), reviewer for several international scientific journals and in international panels, supervisor of Ph.D. and graduate students, and scientific responsible for the activities of post-doctoral and young researchers. H’: 27 in WoS ( e 29 in Scopus (

Representative publications (selection)

  • 2022. Magni, P., F. Semprucci, M.F. Gravina. Joint analysis of macrofaunal and meiofaunal assemblages improves the assessment of lagoonal environmental heterogeneity. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 266, 107740.
  • 2021. Brundu, G., P. Magni. Context-dependent effect of serpulid reefs on the variability of soft-bottom macrobenthic assemblages in three Mediterranean lagoons (Sardinia, Italy). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 262, 107589.
  • 2020. Gravina, M.F., S. Cabiddu, S. Como, A. Floris, B.M. Padedda, A. Pusceddu, P. Magni. Disentangling heterogeneity and commonalities in nanotidal Mediterranean lagoons through environmental features and macrozoobenthic assemblages. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 237, 106688.
  • 2020. Greathead, C., P. Magni, J. Vanaverbeke, L. Buhl-Mortensen, U. Janas, …, S.N.R. Birchenough. A Generic framework to assess the representation and protection of benthic ecosystems in European Marine Protected Areas. Aquatic Conservation: Mar. and Fresh. Ecosystems, 30(7): 1253–1275.
  • 2019. Magni, P., S. Como, M.F. Gravina, D. Guo, C. Li, L. Huang. Trophic features, benthic recovery, and dominance of the invasive Mytilopsis sallei in the Yundang Lagoon (Xiamen, China) following long-term restoration. Water, vol. 11, iss. 8, art. 1692.
  • 2017. Magni, P., S. Como , A. Kamijo, S. Montani. Effects of Zostera marina on the patterns of spatial distribution of sediments and macrozoobenthos in the boreal lagoon of Furen (Hokkaido, Japan). Marine Environmental Research, 131C: 90-102.
  • 2015. Magni, P., B. Draredja, K. Melouah, S. Como. Patterns of seasonal variation in lagoonal macrozoobenthic assemblages (Mellah lagoon, Algeria). Marine Environmental Research, 109: 168–176.
  • 2013. Magni, P., S. Rajagopal, S. Como, J.M. Jansen, G. van der Velde, H. Hummel. δ13C and δ15N variations in organic matter pools, Mytilus spp. and Macoma balthica along the European Atlantic coast. Marine Biology 160: 541–552.
  • 2012. Tagliapietra, D., M. Sigovini, P. Magni. Saprobity: A unified view of benthic succession models for coastal lagoons. Hydrobiologia, 686: 15-28.