Qualification:Researcher / Manager
Telefono+39 0783 229136
Curriculum vitae:

Angelo Perilli got a degree in Physics at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, in 1992. From 1992 to 1994, he worked at CNR/IFA, Istituto di Fisicadell’Atmosfera, on satellite data analysis. From 1994 to 1998, we worked at IMC (International Marine Centre of Oristano), a private-public research institute, on ecological modelling. From November 1998 he is a researcher at Institute for Coastal Marine Environment – National Research Council (IAMC-CNR), on physical oceanography. From 2006 he is the head of the Section of Oristano of IAMC CNR. From 2001 to 2006, he was the responsible of the oceanographic group at IAMC-CNR U.O. Oristano. He coordinated and participated to more than 20 national and international projects. He coordinated or participated to more than 20 oceanographic multidisciplinary cruises realized in the western Mediterranean Sea and in the coastal areas (Gulf of Oristano) with CNR research vessels. From 2001 to now he had 10 lectureships of the course on oceanography and meteorology, on Operational Research and Operational Oceanography at the University of La Tuscia, Italy.

Scientific Activity

He has experience in theoretical and experimental physical oceanography, in data analysis (hydrographical and bio-geochemical data and satellite data) and in ecological and water quality models for open ocean, coastal and lagoon water. He has studied: i)the interaction between physical and biological processes in marine, coastal and transitional water environment by means of multidisciplinary data analysis (chemical, biological and physical in situ data, satellite, numerical model data); ii) the anthropic (pollution) and natural impact on the coastal and transitional environment, by means water quality ; iii) the water masse in the Western Mediterranean Sea at surface, intermediate and deep water; iv) the new deep water formation due to global climate change; v) the seasonal and inter-annual variability of the hydro-dynamical processes and biogeochemical phenomena in the Mediterranean Sea performed by means in situ, satellite and modelling data. He has focalised his studies on the phytoplankton distribution and concentration and its modulation by the mesoscale phenomena in the Sardinia Sea. He has implemented the numerical IBM (Individual Based Model) ecological model, based on Lagrangian Ensemble Methods (LEM).The model creates a Virtual Plankton Ecosystem to study the plankton ecosystem in open ocean. He has modified the LEM model to study the stability and the extinction of plankton ecosystem under stable physical conditions, in a fixed location and in a mesocosm that moves with the current. He has worked on the study and forecast the marine environment in order to provide a tool for marine parks and protected areas, wet land, and marine habitat management. He has participates to different initiative to promote the diffusion of scientific culture. He organised meeting with stakeholders, politicians, students and citizen. We organized teacher training with reference to the scientific disciplines. We was supervisor of more then 10 Bachelor, Master and PhD thesis.